
Guardian Force Arcade – De-Lag Patch Playable on Darksoft STV Multi AKA trap15 released a patch to cut down on some of the input latency built in to the Sega Titan ST-V Arcade game Guardian Force. GF is beautiful shoot ’em up, but suffers from 5-7 frames of input latency built in to the sloppy code. The patch removes 2 frames of lag from the […]

GDEMU & Rhea Pre-Orders opening 12/8/18 and 12/15/18

Although the difficulty of actually buying either a GDEMU or a Rhea has often neared the bar set by Limited Run Games, that is to say harder than beating Super Ghouls ‘N Ghosts with one hand, there will be another chance coming up! For those unfamiliar, the GDEMU and Rhea are Optical Drive Emulators for the […]


MiSTer FX68K Cycle-Accurate Motorola 68000 Core Source Released

Ijor released the source code for FX68K a cycle-accurate Motorola 68000 soft-core (soft cores are components, rather than whole platforms) that was first hinted at in the release of his Atari ST core FXCAST. The 68000 was a common processor used in a wide range of consoles, home PCs, and arcade games. Having a perfect […]


Satiator Project Update

Professor Abrasive just posted a status update for the Satiator project.  Bare boards for the first official beta of the Satiators have arrived, but sadly without beveled edges.  As discussed on the Retro Roundtable, this could cause unnecessary wear and tear on your cartridge connector, so Professor Abrasive is waiting for a replacement shipment to […]


Saturn 2.4G Wireless Controller Kit – 1st Review Posted

hugo19941994 on the Shmups forums has just posted what I believe is the first English review of the new 2.4GHz wireless kit for Sega Saturn controllers: This kit replaces the innards of your stock Sega Saturn controller with it’s own wireless kit and connects to a dongle that plugs into the cartridge port on […]