Alex Mitchell

Krikzz Announces Mega Everdrive Core

Krikzz, the developer responsible for the Everdrive brand of flash-carts, has announced a new model of Everdrive for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: The Mega Everdrive Core. Pitched as a budget friendly cart, the Mega Everdrive Core loses the MegaCD/SegaCD functionality of the Pro model but also costs half as much—coming in at roughly $100USD. There […]

Alex Mitchell

(Some) MemCard Pros Are Getting New Features

The MemCard Pro series of products from 8BitMods are literally game changing inventions for original hardware enthusiasts. When paired with the right ODE or homebrew software, they can generate a functionally limitless supply of save game storage for the GameCube, Playstation 2, and the original Playstation. These memory cards can also be used to enable […]

Alex Mitchell

“Batman Returns” Demo Released for Sega Genesis

A homebrew port/demo for “Batman Returns”—a SNES exclusive 16-bit Konami beat-em-up from 1993—was released for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive this week, giving Sega fans the chance to experience it on original hardware. The team behind this port includes programmer TiagoSC, artist Gabriel Pyron, and musicians Inglebard and Vector Orbitex. The demo only contains the game’s […]

Alex Mitchell

Star Fox 64 PC Port Released

Star F… *ahem*… I mean, “Starship: Centauri Alfa” received an unofficial PC port this week, allowing fans of the original game to enjoy it rendered at higher resolutions and framerates. The port itself is obviously not bundled with any of the original game’s copyright materials, so if you’d like to enjoy it then you need to […]

Alex Mitchell

Pre-Orders for the Analogue 3D open on Oct 21st

After being teased exactly one year ago, Analogue has announced a pre-order date and more information about their latest product: an FPGA-based Nintendo 64 clone console known as the Analogue 3D. If you’ve got $250 USD burning a hole in your pocket and the time to test your luck on October 21st, 8:00AM PDT, then you […]

Alex Mitchell

Final Major Update Released for Silent Hill 2 EE

Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition—a fan project that has been remastering Silent Hill 2’s PC port to create a definitive version of the original game—has received its final major update this week. Update #10 dropped last Friday and includes fixes for a host of visual bugs, a modernized input configuration menu, and even a completely […]

Alex Mitchell

RIP: To Go Read Only, a repository for ROM hacks, translations, utilities, homebrew, and a variety of other software, will cease operations and go read-only as of August 1st, 2024. The state of affairs from this point forward will be as follows: Excluding account and profile information, RHDN and the content it hosted has been uploaded to for […]