SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Stream Saturn Games via Fenrir WiFi

On Thursday, March 6th, Ced, the creator of the Fenrir Optical Drive Emulator released a the long-awaited Beta Preview Build of his WiFi SMB Firmware via the Fenrir Discord Server that finally enables stable game streaming over WiFi via an SMB network share! WARNING: This is a BETA preview build, and some folks are experiencing […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

New Satiator Menu Supports Subfolders for Multidisc Games

The creator of the Satiator released two new menus over the weekend that improve how the optical drive emulator handles folders for Saturn games that use multiple discs. Professor Abrasive uploaded Menu 70 to his device’s official wiki website Saturday. It fixes an error in how the Satiator sees subfolders within a game’s folder. “[Doesn’t] […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

New Satiator Firmware Adds Multi-Disc, Real Disc Booting Support

New firmware for the Satiator released Wednesday adds new features to the Saturn optical drive emulator, including support for switching discs during gameplay and booting up discs that have been burned or are from any region. Firmware version 161 and menu version 68 can be downloaded from the official Satiator website. Being able to swap […]

Alex Mitchell

After Three Years, PSIO Has Received An Update

Cybdyn Systems has released an update for their Playstation Optical Drive Emulator, the PSIO. Developed over the course of roughly three and a half years, this update aims to address a wide swath of compatibility and performance issues while adding new features—such as GameID functionality for use with products like 8BitMods’ MemoryCard Pro line and […]

Alex Mitchell

GCLoader Pre-Orders open Monday, July 31st

The GCLoader, a GameCube optical drive emulator from Daniel Kraak (meneerbeer) and Dan Kunz (citrus3000psi), will finally be back in stock this coming Monday, July 31st. Released in 2019, the GCLoader was the first commercially available ODE for the Nintendo GameCube, boasting improved functionality over existing SD card interfaces and (after an awkward initial release) […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

English Patch WIP: Shadows of the Tusk

Things sure do move FAST in the Saturn scene… It was just a couple days ago (May 2, 2023) that Team SHIRO!s Knight0fDragon began work on an English Translation Patch for Shadows of the Tusk, and here we are on (May 5, 2023) with all options menus and battle dialogs fully translated. [cross-posted from SHIRO! […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

SAROO: A Saturn Flash Cart Re-emerges…

Something that’s been dormant for nearly a decade has just broken from the ice. A few days ago on February 13, 2023, tpunix started adding new commits to a Saturn flash cart project that was thought to be dead 8 years ago, and it surprised folks when it popped up in their notifications. SAROO is […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Satiator Fixes ‘Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter’ Issue at Last!

When Professor Abrasive released the Satiator — the optical drive emulator he invented that plugs into the Saturn’s rear VCD card port — it could play hundreds of games off an SD card without issue. But players looking to try out their newly bought Satiator seemed to run to one game again and again: Marvel […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

WASCA Cart Migrates to Faster, Modular Architecture

In a community announcement today, March 28, 2022, hitomi2500 stated that WASCA (an aspiring “Swiss Army Knife” -type cart solution for Sega Saturn) would be migrating over to the much faster, modular (and perhaps more available) iCESugar-pro architecture, suggesting the possibility of a release for purchase perhaps some time later this year… The iCESugar-pro will […]

Alex Mitchell

Pseudo Saturn Kai Update Released

Although it was really meant for save game storage and RAM upgrades, it could easily be argued that the most important use of the Sega Saturn’s cartridge slot is facilitating 3rd party enhancement carts. These carts can—in addition to enabling cheat codes and providing additional save storage and RAM expansion functionality—perform the noble task of […]