Here’s an interview with developer Reinhard, aka C0pperdragon. He’s the inventor of Lumacode, a way to get excellent quality video from 8-bit and earlier consoles / computers. These mods are generally easier than most other video mods and almost always allow for #nocutmods. I think Lumacode is going to have an exciting future for consoles like the NES and I appreciated Reinhard taking the time to chat with me about it! As always, these long-form chats are also available on all podcast services – Just search your favorite app for “RetroRGB c0pperdragon” to listen there instead.
Main Site:
RPi Zero 2 WH:
RPi4 4GB:
RPi5 4GB:
While I’ll absolutely be doing a livestream (and possibly a full video on Lumacode) soon, if you’d like to see it in action now, check out these videos from TheRetroChannel, which are an excellent overview. The only thing to note, is NTSC is now supported on NES, where at the time this video was made it was PAL-only: