Alex Mitchell

MODE: v1.03R02 Firmware and Saturn/DC Database Update

Retro hardware developer Terraonion has released two updates over as many weeks to refine the experience of using their Sega Saturn and Dreamcast Optical Drive Emulator—M.O.D.E. Firmware v1.03R02 landed about two weeks ago and adjusts a few things for Saturn and Dreamcast users. Terraonion has provided this changelog: [SAT] Fix CDDA noise added by previous […]


Saturn King of Fighters ’95 4MB RAM Cart Hack

YZB first brought us a 4MB optimized Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and now they have patched Saturn’s King of Fighters ’95 to bypass its proprietary ROM cart, utilizing common aftermarket 4MB RAM carts instead, just as they did for Ultraman recently. Like Ultraman, KOF95’s custom ROM cart worked flawlessly as a physical copy protection […]


Saturn Ultraman Hack Bypasses Proprietary ROM Cart Via 4MB Cart

ROMhacker YZB has released another Sega Saturn hack, following up their recent release of the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 4MB RAM Cart Hack. This one is for Ultraman [Ultraman: Hikari no Kyojin Densetsu], a 2D fighter that is one of two Saturn titles requiring its own proprietary ROM cart, along with King of Fighters […]


New Saturn Castlevania SOTN Improvement Hack Utilizes The 4MB RAM Cart For Fast Loading, Smoother Animations, And More.

Chinese ROMhacker YZB has coded a high-level hack of the Sega Saturn Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [Akumajou Dracula X-Gekka no Yasoukyoku] which implements a number of quality of life improvements by using the 4MB RAM cart and other modifications: Disk-reading slowdown is improved by preloading data to a 4MB RAM cart, the CD file […]


Fenrir Sega Saturn ODE Release Date and Pricing Announced

EDIT 04/02:  It looks like the price has gone up since it’s original announcement from $96 to $123.81. EDIT 04/09:  There’s been some confusion on the price:  The increase was only from $96 to about $103 – The $124 amount includes VAT (20%), which only applies to the EU.  Everywhere else will pay $103. EDIT:  […]

Rany Battikh

8BitDo DIY kits for Saturn and Nintendo Dogbone controllers

8BitDo just released 2 separate DIY kits that will basically turn original wired Sega Saturn and Nintendo Dogbone (NES-039) controllers into Bluetooth controllers, making them fully compatible with devices like the Switch, PC and Raspberry Pi. Each kit includes a board that fits snugly under the D-pad and buttons on the inside of the plastic […]


Project To Localize Saturn Version of Grandia

Over on the SegaXtreme forums a member by the name TrekkiesUnite118 has started a thread about using the English translation from the Playstation version of Grandia to localize the Japanese Saturn version. In its day Grandia was an incredible technical achievement and remains one of my favorite games of all time.  I have always […]

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