Welcome to RetroRGB, the site dedicated to keeping everyone up-to-date with everything the retro-gaming world has to offer!

Beginners are encouraged to check out the RGB Guide, anyone looking for console mods or technical info should go right to the Console Info & Mods section for guides, upgrade reviews and lots more!

…and of course, check out the news below and listen to the Weekly Roundup podcast that summarizes everything that’s been going on in the past week


Weekly Roundup #449

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download:  https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/retrorgb If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]


Xbox 360 Mods Highlighted

Tito from Macho Nacho Productions recently released a video showcasing some cool mods for the Xbox 360: The RGH3 mod, a Viper Pro Dual NAND kit, an LTU2 replacement board, and a brand new replacement case.  If you have a 360 and were thinking about jailbreaking it, this seems like an excellent video to get […]

Ray Commend

Quadruple Your Fun with 4-Player Block Panic DX for the Neo Geo AES/MVS & CD!

At the tail end of 2023, developer Blastar released Block Panic DX, the first free homebrew 4-player Neo Geo game. At the time, he promised that a Neo Geo CD version would follow shortly, Unfortunately, due to unforeseen life events, it took a little longer to release than expected but on New Years Eve 2025, […]


MiSTer FPGA News – Zaparoo Online, New Arcade Cores, New Mini-ITX IO Board & More

Zaparoo Online Features The Zaparoo project is adding a service that provides some online features. In a teaser post, wizzo gave these examples: There is “Zap Link” where NFC cards can contain special URLs. For example, on every scan Zaparoo can hit a URL and requests what ZapScript to run. There is also the ability […]


SCART to BNC & SCART Splitter

Kyle from Kytor Industries has just released the design files for his powered SCART splitter.  This device is designed for people looking to safely split their SCART cable between BNC outputs, as well as another SCART output; Presumably for people connecting to a PVM with only inputs, as well as another device like an upscaler.  […]

Ray Commend

Data East Arcade Classic “Karnov” ported to the Neo Geo MVS & CD

Developer IQ_132 recently released his port of Data East’s arcade classic, Karnov to the Neo Geo MVS/AES and CD. As awesome as this is, this is not Karnov’s first outing on the Neo Geo. He was also the boss character in Karnov’s Revenge, the sequel to Data East’s Fighter’s History. A game that is infamous […]


Scale Analog Home Movies to 4K

This is a guide that shows you the best way to scale properly transferred 480i home video files to 4K, using completely free Windows software.  It might work for other resolutions and sources, but the focus of this video is 480i home movies. I’ll update this post once Simon releases the update to Brovicon that […]


Game Bub Project Announced

Eli Lipsitz has announced a new open source project Game Bub, a handheld FPGA based GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and GameBoy Advance emulator with a dock, that can play original cartridges and ROM files from a microsd card. The FPGA source code is licensed under GPLv3 (GPL-3.0-only), while the STL and PCB files are licensed under […]

Alex Mitchell

Golden Axe – Neo Geo Port Now Available

H0ffman has knocked it out of the park once again with another Sega System 16 to NEO•GEO conversion, this time of Golden Axe. Just like their previous work with Shinobi, H0ffman has made this release compatible with every iteration of NEO•GEO hardware out there: MVS, AES, NGCD, and a every NEO•GEO flash cart on the […]