SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Stream Saturn Games via Fenrir WiFi

On Thursday, March 6th, Ced, the creator of the Fenrir Optical Drive Emulator released a the long-awaited Beta Preview Build of his WiFi SMB Firmware via the Fenrir Discord Server that finally enables stable game streaming over WiFi via an SMB network share! WARNING: This is a BETA preview build, and some folks are experiencing […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

SAROO: A Saturn Flash Cart Re-emerges…

Something that’s been dormant for nearly a decade has just broken from the ice. A few days ago on February 13, 2023, tpunix started adding new commits to a Saturn flash cart project that was thought to be dead 8 years ago, and it surprised folks when it popped up in their notifications. SAROO is […]


Fenrir Sega Saturn ODE Release Date and Pricing Announced

EDIT 04/02:  It looks like the price has gone up since it’s original announcement from $96 to $123.81. EDIT 04/09:  There’s been some confusion on the price:  The increase was only from $96 to about $103 – The $124 amount includes VAT (20%), which only applies to the EU.  Everywhere else will pay $103. EDIT:  […]