Alex Mitchell

“Batman Returns” Demo Released for Sega Genesis

A homebrew port/demo for “Batman Returns”—a SNES exclusive 16-bit Konami beat-em-up from 1993—was released for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive this week, giving Sega fans the chance to experience it on original hardware. The team behind this port includes programmer TiagoSC, artist Gabriel Pyron, and musicians Inglebard and Vector Orbitex. The demo only contains the game’s […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)


On Wednesday Aug 3, 2022, Gabriel Pyron announced a NEW 2D Game Engine in the works for both PlayStation and Saturn, created by Tiago Cabral (aka TiagoSC), the same individual who ported Sonic the Hedgehog to the Super Nintendo, through a custom 2D Engine. Original Announcement… In the video upload (shown above) Gabriel demonstrates the […]

Vanessa (Vanessaira)

MSX2 Metal Gear Ported to Amiga

Last Friday (21 May 2021) Ian Ford also known as the H0ffman reported on his blog/Twitter.  That he had released the long anticipated port of the MSX2 classic Metal Gear for the Commodore Amiga.  The H0ffman well known for his work in the Amiga community with his coding, music and amazing DJ’ing skills. Announced in […]


New Dreamcast Atomiswave Arcade Ports – Unreleased Fighters: KenJu & Force Five

We have been following Megavolt85’s efforts to convert Atomiswave Arcade games to run natively on the Dreamcast. Recently he released ports of two unreleased Atomiwave figthing games: KenJu and Force Five. KenJu combines cel shaded 3D graphics with 2D gameplay, and plays similarly to Rival Schools. Force Five is a 3D fighter later became Jingi […]


Atomiswave Dolphin Blue now fully playable on Dreamcast

I reported recently about Megavolt85’s native 1:1 Atomiswave-to-Dreamcast ports, and I posted a video on the topic. Since then, more Atomiswave arcade games have been ported over. RetroRGB/Bob maintains a list of the ports here. As I explained in my video though, “port” might not be the correct word; the Atomiswave is a Dreamcast and […]


Metal Slug 6: First Atomiswave Arcade Native Port to Dreamcast

The Atomiswave arcade platform is seen by many as a spiritual successor to the Neo Geo MVS, being a collaboration between Sammy, SNK, and Sega. Interestingly, it was very similar to the Dreamcast hardware, even more so than the Sega Naomi. Unlike Naomi though, Atomiswave has been largely overlooked due to its rarity and relative […]

Vanessa (Vanessaira)

MVG Ports Heart of Darkness to the XBOX

Modern Vintage Gamer recently added a new video to his YouTube channel showcasing an incredibly special insight into coding and porting game source material.  In his video he breaks down his process of taking the open source code for the game Heart of Darkness and using that code to port its source to the original […]


SegaSonic Bros MD Released – Sega Genesis

As I reported previously, Dustin O’Dell is porting the unreleased Sega System C2 Arcade prototype “SegaSonic Bros” to the Sega Genesis. Today he released it for free. The game is completely playable and just has some polishing before it’s complete. I tested it on the latest MiSTer Sega Genesis core and it feels like a […]

Ray Commend

Sega Genesis Shinobi Arcade Port Gets Downloadable DEMO ROM

File this under “better late than never”, but Tryphon’s amazing looking WIP Shinobi arcade port got a downloadable ROM last September. It’s merely a proof-of-concept more than anything else at this stage, but even in this early state it shows a ton of promise and potential. While it’s only the first stage (1-1) of the […]