Alex Mitchell

BBA Emulation Demonstrated In Swiss

If you’re a fan of the extremely limited handful of GameCube games with online and local network functionality, today is your lucky day. Swiss, a homebrew utility that extends and enhances the functionality of the GameCube platform, will have Broadband Adapter (BBA) emulation support implemented in its upcoming releases. Although Nintendo clearly prioritized developing local […]

Alex Mitchell

GCLoader Pre-Orders open Monday, July 31st

The GCLoader, a GameCube optical drive emulator from Daniel Kraak (meneerbeer) and Dan Kunz (citrus3000psi), will finally be back in stock this coming Monday, July 31st. Released in 2019, the GCLoader was the first commercially available ODE for the Nintendo GameCube, boasting improved functionality over existing SD card interfaces and (after an awkward initial release) […]

Alex Mitchell

Retro Fighters Announces A GameCube Pad… Again!

For the second time in as many months, Retro Fighters is going back to the GameCube well with the BattlerGC: a wireless GameCube controller that is identical to the BladeGC (which we covered here on RetroRGB a few weeks ago) but with a stick layout that is faithful to the OEM controller’s original offset design. To […]

Alex Mitchell

Swiss and GC Loader Updates Improve Write Support

Two enthusiast developed projects on the GameCube—GC Loader and Swiss—have released important updates over the last month that work together to enable exciting new functionality for fans of the lil’ purple lunchbox. GC Loader—an optical drive emulator developed by Daniel Kraak—is a modification that replaces the GameCube’s built in disc drive with an SD card […]

Alex Mitchell

GCVideo Firmware 3.1 Released

Ingo Korb, one of the developers behind the GCVideo project—the basis of virtually every available HDMI and/or component video output mod for the GameCube and Wii—released a new firmware revision last Saturday that implements a handful of helpful bug fixes. Especially important for those of you revisiting the GameCube’s excellent catalog of horror games this October, […]

Vanessa (Vanessaira)

Retro Fighters BladeGC Controller Pre Order

Third party controller maker Retro Fighters is wrapping up their pre order phase for the new BladeGC controller.  The BladeGC is a new 3rd party wireless Nintendo Gamecube, Switch, and PC compatible controller, which will utilize 2.4GHz wireless technology.  Retro Fighters states the controller will have around 10+ hours of battery life as well as […]

Rany Battikh

Prism HD by Retro-Bit

Retro-bit have just announced their own GCVideo-based plug-and-play adapter for the Gamecube, named Prism HD: Just like most of the other current external GCVideo solutions out there, the Prism HD plugs right into the digital port of the DOL-001 Gamecube and outputs native 480p (and/or line doubles 240p and 480i) through a full sized HDMI […]

Alex Mitchell

Swiss Debuts Memory Card Emulation

If you’re at all interested in exploring unofficial software on the GameCube, you probably already know about Swiss: a home-brew utility that can allow the GameCube to do things like bypass software region restrictions, sharpen its video output, or even load software from SD card adapters. Now, as of version r963, developer Extrems has also implemented […]

Alex Mitchell

GCLoader Firmware Fixes Audio Streaming

GCLoader, a GameCube ODE made by Daniel Kraak and Dan Kunz, received a new firmware update today that improves audio streaming performance. Attentive readers may have seen that audio streaming was also addressed in a previous firmware update, v1.1.1, but that update was pulled because it functionally bricked certain revisions of GCLoaders by causing Disc Read […]