Star F… *ahem*… I mean, “Starship: Centauri Alfa” received an unofficial PC port this week, allowing fans of the original game to enjoy it rendered at higher resolutions and framerates. The port itself is obviously not bundled with any of the original game’s copyright materials, so if you’d like to enjoy it then you need to provide your own Rev1 USA version of Star Fox 64.

Starship: Centauri Alpha is another in a growing list of decompilation-based projects that have been bringing N64 exclusives to more platforms lately. Just this group alone—known as Harbour Masters 64—is responsible for maintaining projects that allow you to play Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask in much the same way. Perfect Dark is playable through a similar decomp effort, and Super Mario 64 has been ported to what feels like everything under the sun—including the Dreamcast!
For more information about Starship: Centauri Alpha, Harbour Masters 64, or their other projects, take a look at their GitHub or join their Discord.