Ray Commend

Data East Arcade Classic “Karnov” ported to the Neo Geo MVS & CD

Developer IQ_132 recently released his port of Data East’s arcade classic, Karnov to the Neo Geo MVS/AES and CD. As awesome as this is, this is not Karnov’s first outing on the Neo Geo. He was also the boss character in Karnov’s Revenge, the sequel to Data East’s Fighter’s History. A game that is infamous […]


Neo Geo Mini Controller Mod for Real Neo Geo & Clicky D-Pad

Magic Trashman has written a tutorial on how to padhack a Neo Geo Mini controller to DB15 (arcade/Neo Geo direct connection) and add a clicky microswitch d-pad to it. It’s a relatively complex mod involving custom 3D prints, but MT has been offering pre-modified controllers for sale through Twitter. I bought one of these from […]


NeoSaveMasta 2019 – Neo Geo AES/MVS Memory Card: Sells-Out Fast!

Brian Hargrove (AKA turfmasta) has offered an incredible line of products at NeoGeoFanClub.com for years, including a replacement of the rare/expensive Neo Geo AES/MVS memory card, called the NeoSaveMasta. NSM has been through several revisions, each with a unique color, artwork, and an evolving list of features. The latest model sold out in minutes, but […]


100 Darksoft Neo Geo AES Multi Carts Pre-Orders Coming Soon

UPDATE:  Pre-orders now open:  https://www.retrorgb.com/darksoft-multiaes-pre-orders-now-open.html Darksoft announced that a batch of 100 of their much anticipated Neo Geo AES multi-carts will be available for pre-order soon. The AES Multi will have all the features of their MVS kit, with ultra-fast loading and all of the bells and whistles. The Darksoft MVS & AES carts will be […]


Neo Geo Versions Of Xeno Crisis Available For Pre-order

Bitmap Bureau has just opened pre-orders for Neo Geo AES, MVS and NGCD versions of their upcoming game Xeno Crisis:  https://shop.bitmapbureau.com/collections/neo-geo Due in Q2 2019, the game is being released on a surprisingly wide variety of platforms ranging from the Nintendo Switch to the Sega Genesis.  I think the biggest struggle I’m having is deciding if I […]