
Weekly Roundup #454

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download: If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]


HyperBoy+ Virtual Boy 4-Color eInk Single-Flash Cart

Kevin Mellott has just opened a second batch of pre-orders on the HyperBoy+ = An updated version of the single-flash HyperBoy rom cart, that includes a 4-color, Black/White/Red/Yellow eInk screen.  The price is about $200 and they should start shipping to customers before summer.  More info below the link: Pre-Order Here: The ROM cart is […]


Scalable Video Switch Batch #2

Arthrimus will be listing the second batch of Scalable Video Switch’s (SVS), this Saturday at 3PM NYC-time.  All modules will be available, except the VGA input modules; A bug was found with v1 of the VGA inputs and v2 isn’t available yet.  All other input and output modules will be up for sale, including VGA-out, […]


PC Engine “Tower Of Power” Demoed

Tito from Macho Nacho Productions recently released a fun video showcasing NEC’s version of the “Tower Of Power”:  A PC Engine LT console (which came with a built-in LCD screen), combined with a CDROM2, connected via in Interface Unit…all sitting on top of an official NEC speaker / amp / karaoke machine.  Here’s eBay affiliate […]


Kytor RT5x BNC Adapter Open Sourced

Kyle from Kytor Industries has just decided to open source his “BNCtoSCART” adapter, that lets people route RGBs via BNC cables directly to the RetroTINK 5x.  This is designed for people using BNC equipment like Extron Crosspoints, or people daisy chaining their consoles from the PVM to the RT5x.  Kyle also has a few more […]


Weekly Roundup #453

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download: If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]