SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)


On Wednesday Aug 3, 2022, Gabriel Pyron announced a NEW 2D Game Engine in the works for both PlayStation and Saturn, created by Tiago Cabral (aka TiagoSC), the same individual who ported Sonic the Hedgehog to the Super Nintendo, through a custom 2D Engine. Original Announcement… In the video upload (shown above) Gabriel demonstrates the […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)


Back in May of 2022, Malenko, the one who brought us the English patch for Fire Pro Wrestling 6 Men Scramble, started working on another English patch for Shutokou Battle ’97, also known as Tokyo Highway Battle on PlayStation in the US. After roughly 3 months (and much help from the Sega Saturn community) the […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

VOXEL Drops New Trailer for Sonic X-Treme SAGE ’22

UK based Saturn homebrew developer, VOXEL, has just released a NEW teaser trailer (below) for the upcoming SAGE ’22 hosted by SFGHQ (Sonic Fan Games HQ). Here’s VOXEL’s NEW TRAILER showing the game running on REAL SEGA SATURN HARDWARE… Back on April 1st, we reported on this new and exciting project that was surprisingly NOT […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Saturn’s 3D Control Pad Has Gone Wireless

Back in November of 2021, SHIRO! reported on some exciting work in progress by two individuals (Drew Kenaz & Izzi Patrick) to make Saturn’s 3D Analog Control Pad completely wireless. After nearly 8 months, significant progress has been made, and here we’ll bring folks up to speed on how all of this came together from […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Kenji Tosaki talks SAT/DC Peripheral Design, Reveals “Virtua Visor”

While the Saturn had a variety of great controllers and peripherals, a vast majority would agree that the 3D Analog Control Pad was perhaps one of the greatest. Dreamcast also touted several of its own clever and innovative add-ons, but most folks can’t deny the shear brilliance and significance of the VMU (Visual Memory Unit). […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)


Let’s Play Together! Reflecting SEGA’s build-anything, arcade-rich 90s heritage, the Saturn boasts a plethora of hardware expansion options that enhance the end-user experience. Complimenting a healthy number of mainstream accessories is an even greater number of peripherals that are, to put it generously, niche. SEGA’s happiness to produce all manner of optional hardware bred a […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Meduza Team Release Ogre Battle English Translation Patch for Saturn

Today, April 6, 2022, Meduza Team (specifically Paul Met, Pennywise & Aishsha) have released v1.0 of their English translation patch for Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. “The translation is partially ported from the PS1 version of the game, as it has undergone edits and improvements. The Saturn version has a number of […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)


* THIS IS A SPOILER-FREE REVIEW WITH TRAILER IMAGES ONLY. “SONIC 2 was so much fun! It was hilariously bonkers and not remotely grounded in reality.., which is great! The film is self-aware of its outlandish premise and rolls with it to service fans with loads of Easter eggs and clever nods to the original […]