Tito from Macho Nacho Productions recently released a fun video showcasing NEC’s version of the “Tower Of Power”: A PC Engine LT console (which came with a built-in LCD screen), combined with a CDROM2, connected via in Interface Unit…all sitting on top of an official NEC speaker / amp / karaoke machine. Here’s eBay affiliate links to all those things, with more thoughts below:
PC Engine LT: https://ebay.us/6zxJlc
CDROM2: https://ebay.us/t77Wxh
IFU: https://ebay.us/dJoxrg
ROM Amp: https://ebay.us/75VU9B
This video was absolutely ridiculous. I loved it. Of course spending over $2k to get all this stuff would only be for the hardcore collector, but videos like this aren’t about that. It’s simply a look into some rare, cool tech that was only available in Japan in the 90’s. I strongly recommend watching it, even if you’re just slightly interested.