Rany Battikh

MultiMVS & MultiAES firmware update (November 2019)

Darksoft just released both firmware and menu updates for his flagship Neo Geo rom carts, the MultiMVS and the MultiAES.

The new updates seemed to have fixed all the problems (especially the dreaded REDScreen bug(s)) that were previously reported by users and improved the overall performance of the carts.

While the presentation is almost identical between both carts, the firmware files aren’t cross-compatible. So make sure to get the right files for your cart and follow the instructions accordingly.

Darksoft tackled different issues within each cart, so first here are the MultiMVS added features/improvements:

  •  Improved loading speed.
  •  Added support for monitor test tool. The tool must be placed in the folder “montest”
  •  Loading DDR of games and menu only when we exit menu, so we avoid loading a game into a SLOT that we may later change.
  •  BUFF File is automatically deleted after every menu update.
  •  Only 4 tunes haven been always available, although the menu showed more. This is now fixed and only those can be selected.
  •  Eliminated REDScreen in all consoles tested for games like Pulstar and KOF98.
  •  Removed double reset
  •  Fixed wrong region in some games
  •  Fixed REDScreen when running games like Matrimelee, Nightmare in the Dark (Original), Metal Slug 4, Metal Slug 5, Sengoku 3 and Zupapa in AES Mode.
  •  Fixed another bug when updating several slots concurrently.
  •  Fixed a new introduced bug that didnt’ allow games like Pulstar to reset twice, resulting on Red Deadlock screen.
  •  Firmware identifies in which console is running and runs code specific for each in different cases.
  •  Added option in the menu to boot directly to Game List.
  •  Speed up loading of menu and games.
  •  Menu is able to recognize between MVS and AES console.
  •  In AES Mode menu, saves the settings to microSD.

As for MultiAES owners, here’s what you’re getting with the newest firmware update:

  • Improved loading speed.
  •  Fixed GFX glitches on some AES models.
  •  Removed double reset
  •  Fixed wrong region in some games
  •  Fixed another bug when updating several slots concurrently.* Removed Sound fading problems.
  •  Added support for monitor test tool. The tool must be placed in the folder “montest”
  •  Loading DDR of games and menu only when we exit menu, so we avoid loading a game into a SLOT that we may later change.
  •  No more DEAD REDLOCK Screen.
  •  Garbage when loading a new firmware or menu in AES fixed.
  •  BUFF File is automatically deleted after every menu update.
  •  Only 4 tunes haven been always available, although the menu showed more. This is now fixed and only those can be selected.

The MulitMVS is my cart of choice when it comes to Neo Geo gaming in general, and the attention/support that Darksoft has been giving it since it’s initial release has only led to greater results with every update release.

MultiMVS firmware update: https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/5101-darksoft-s-multimvs-latest-firmware-menu-and-instructions/&pageNo=1

MultiAES firmware update: https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/8450-darksoft-s-multiaes-latest-firmware-menu-and-instructions/&pageNo=1