
MiSTerFPGA News – MiSTer Clone, Irem M107, System 18 & More


If you are having issues using HDMI CEC with a MiSTer FPGA connected to your setup, there are some solutions to help you out. One solution involves cutting out a pin from a chip on the DE10 Nano board (Pin1 on U34). However there is safer solution, you can use an HDMI CEC stripper if you prefer that route.

The links below provide the details on what pin to cut and a CEC stripper you can use.



The first version of the IREM M107 core has been released. At the moment, only the vertically scrolling shooter Air Assault is working, but Martin, the developer will soon be adding support for the rest of the games.

MiSTer Clone

Taki Udon made a post asking users if a component video connector would be worth adding to the consolized version of the MiSTer FPGA he’s developing.

Another post gave some manufacturing details on the PCB and Industrial design.


Sega System 18

A beta for the Sega System 18 core is expected to be released next Friday. It looks like Jotego’s team is resolving the issues with the VDP chip as backgrounds are finally looking good.


Sega Saturn

Sega Saturn core recieved updates that affect the following games:

-Sega Rally
-Tomb Raider
-Burning Rangers

-Magical Night Dreams Cotton 2
-Touge King of Spirits 2
-Radiant Silvergun


Sega Mega Play

Shane Lynch has made some progress in his reverse engineering of the Sega Mega Play hardware. He’s created a fully custom BIOS that will help analyze the hardware and the next step is to get regular Genesis games to run on it.

Shane plans to create a flash cart that is compatible with the Mega Play, and another long term goal is to create an FPGA core.