
Downscaling Section Added!

I’m very excited to announce that now has an in-depth section covering “downscaling”:  The conversion of HD resolutions down to 15KHz for use with CRT’s.  This addition is care of Marco Retro, an excellent YouTuber who wrote pages for the site, as well as videos for each downscaler.  Please make sure to subscribe to Marco…and spend some time looking through the new section – It’s really awesome!:

Downscaling Section:
Subscribe to Marco:

This is an incredible addition that will help anyone looking to play more modern games on CRT’s.  Marco also details 480i downscaling as well, making this section equally as good for people looking to watch TV and movies on a CRT!  Deciding which downscaler is best for your setup will be different for everyone though.  I suggest checking out the list and seeing if you already own any of the devices Marco reviewed; Not having to spend money to try it out is always a good thing!

If you need to purchase hardware, I suggest starting with the GBS-C.  While it’s not the best device out there, it’s very good and you can make your own very cheap.  The RetroTINK 5x and OSSC Pro are top-tier choices though and the Pro’s simulations dual analog / digital output might be what many power users are looking for.  Really, just skim the main page, check out the list of downscalers and go from there!

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