Jan from Consoles4U / ClassicGameStore has just started selling an adapter for the RetroTINK 5x that adds VGA (RGBHV) and RCA audio inputs, as well as retains the SCART port. It comes with a USB power Y-Cable that lets you power both this and the RT5x from the same power supply you’re already using for your RT5x. The price should be about $100 including shipping and there’s more info after the links, including which version to buy:
Adapter: https://retrorgb.link/tink5xtop
RT5x Switzerland: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xch
RT5x USA: https://retrorgb.link/retrotink5x
RT5x UK: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xuk
RT5x Germany: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xde
The first thing to note is which version to order, one designed to fit most of the RT5x’s out there, or the version to fit the newer ones with a textured plastic. Click on the picture for a full-sized view.
Next, the RT5xTOP was designed to allow leaving both VGA and SCART cables connected at the same time, so while it’s strongly recommended that only one source is powered on at a time, it’s perfectly safe to both connected. There’s also a switch that allows you to toggle between RGBs and RGBHV via the VGA dsub input. And in order to access it, simply switch the RT5x to it’s SCART input via the menu and all signals will automatically pass through:
Next, if you don’t need SCART, you can use any cheap composite to SCART adapter to route composite video & audio through the rear SCART port. This is a big help for people with only component video cables, as you’ll no longer need to share the green RCA jack! Heck, you could even use a SCART to VGA cable to route RGBs though the VGA port, then use SCART for composite – Whatever combo works for you!
Lastly and just personal preference: This “5X Tower of Power” allows you to slide the RT5x into the side, much like how you’d connect an original Sega CD to the model 1 Genesis, which I think is a really cool throwback to classic gaming!