Vanessa (Vanessaira)

Orpheus II ISA Soundcard End of Production

The team behind the legendary ISA soundcard known as the Orpheus II (O2) recently announced that they will begin the last production run of the Orpheus II.  Keropi who is one of the team members made the announcement on the VOGONs forums.  Where he stated that they will cease production soon as both he and […]

Vanessa (Vanessaira)

Tie Fighter Total Conversion Project V1.0 Launch

The Tie Fighter Total Conversion Project (TFTC) Mod for the Star Wars game, X-Wing Alliance (XWA) has now officially been released on  This total conversion is based off the original Tie Fighter game released 27 years ago this month in July of 1994.  Unique for its time, Tie Fighter gave players a different perspective […]