Mike Chi has now made it easier to purchase the RetroTINK 5x, 2x Pro and 5x Premium remotes, by partnering with distributors worldwide. Also, the RetroTINK 4K will eventually make it to those stores, however the initial launch will be directly through retrotink.com. Here’s links to all stores for reference:
RetroTINK.com (USA):
RT5x: https://retrorgb.link/retrotink5x
RT5x Premium Remote: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xremote
RT2x Pro: https://retrorgb.link/retrotink2xpro
Comp2RGB: https://retrorgb.link/comp2rgb
RGB2Comp: https://retrorgb.link/rgb2comp
8bitmods (UK):
RT5x: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xuk
RT5x Premium Remote: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xremoteuk
RT2x Pro: https://retrorgb.link/rt2xprouk
Comp2RGB: https://retrorgb.link/comp2rgbuk
RGB2Comp: https://retrorgb.link/rgb2compuk
DragonBox (Germany):
RT5x: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xde
RT5x Premium Remote: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xremotede
RT2x Pro: https://retrorgb.link/rt2xprode
Consoles4You / classicgamestore.ch (Switzerland)
RetroTINK 5x: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xch
RetroTINK 2x Pro: https://retrorgb.link/rt2xproch
RT5x Premium Remote: https://retrorgb.link/rt5xremotech
Hopefully all stores will eventually get all products, as the TINK transcoders are excellent ways to convert between RGB and component video. Also, while it’s sad to see the TINK Mini and 2x SCART no longer be available, that was mostly the result of the part shortage; That ended up killing many products across all industries. I think these cover a good range of price points though, with the RT4K sitting on top!