
Retrotink 4K JVC D-Series Profile

Kuro recently posted a CRT emulation profile for the RetroTINK 4K that recreates the look of one of the best slot mask CRT’s out there:  The JVC D-Series.  Specifically, the profile was based off of a fully calibrated 27″ D200 and verified on a 48″ LG C1 WOLED; If you’re using a different TV type or size, your results may differ.  Links to the latest profile pack with all of Kuro’s amazing profiles can be found here and “installing” is as easy as copying the contents to the RT4K’s SD card:

Download Here:

This profile is also important for arcade users, as you can commonly find the same tube inside candy cabs.  Of course, every arcade machine is different but this is just another step towards properly emulating the look of CRT displays…either ones you’d find at home, or in arcades.

If you’d like to know how the RT4K applies these masks, check out the launch video I did.  While Kuro’s profiles weren’t fully available then, all the other info in the video is still accurate and it’ll help shine some light around what these masks can do.  Also, if you’d like to hear more from Kuro, check out a podcast we did below, where we talk about his DAC analysis work (or just search any podcast app for ‘RetroRGB Kuro’):

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