
RetroTINK 4K Handheld Screen Emulation Updates

Wobbling Pixels recently released completely overhauled profiles for the RetroTINK 4K, that allow for much more accurate emulation of the displays found in the original Game Boy DMG, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and Sony PlayStation Portable 1-3k.  WP also added GameCube profiles for Swiss R4K optimize, that disables the game’s internal scaling and relies solely on the RT4K’s processor, allowing for a sharper image.  To use these, just make sure you’re on the latest firmware:

Download The Profiles:
RetroTINK 4K:
RT4K Firmware:

One interesting thing to mention is the Swiss RT4K optimize modes could allow games with vertical resolutions other than 480 to have lower input latency, as the GameCube isn’t performing the scaling.  It’s only about 1ms at best, but I still think it’s worth mentioning, as it’s really cool developers like Extrems are able to make stuff like this happen!

Here’s some examples of these awesome changes.  And click on each one for a full-sized view:

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