Every tech blog on the planet seems to be covering the latest Switch news, so I thought I’d present it here as a quick-reference list:
- Nintendo announced a $200 “Switch Lite” that is handheld-only, with no HDMI output. I gotta agree with the internet on this one: It’s weird to think of a “Switch that won’t switch”: https://www.nintendo.com/switch/lite/
- The standard Switch seems to be getting a small upgrade, as a result of components going EOL (end of life). This most likely isn’t the rumored “Switch Pro” (it friggin better not be!), but just a small bump that may or may not increase performance: https://fccid.io/BKEHAC001/Letter/02-FCC-Class-II-Permissive-Change-Letter-4349995#download
EDIT: Looks like this update will result in better battery life, but no word on performance.
- 8bitdo announced a Switch controller that’s a cross between a SNES and PS-style with re-programmable buttons. It ships on August 7th and can be pre-ordered below for $50: http://www.8bitdo.com/sn30-pro-plus/
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