Tito from Macho Nacho Productions recently uploaded a video showcasing the new Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) feature from BBSan2k that’s compatible with the MemCard Pro’s, as well as the SD2PSX. This new software allows you to launch games right from either memory card, plus it’ll automatically create a new VMC for each game launched. Heck, it’s even compatible with rev2 MemCard Pro 1’s!!! To use it, just install the latest firmware for each device and follow the rest of Tito’s easy tutorial to complete setup. More info after the links:
MemCardPro2 (US Seller1): https://retrorgb.link/memcardpro2
MemCardPro2 (US Seller 2): https://retrorgb.link/memcardpro2cmg
MemCardPro2 (UK Seller): https://retrorgb.link/ps2memcard
SD2PSX: https://store.phenommod.com/index.php?route=product%2Fproduct&path=74&product_id=98
While compatibility with launching from memory cards isn’t perfect, it’s my opinion that this is such an easy way to get started, it’s worth your time to try. If it works, you have a really easy way to manage your games and saves and if not, you can always try alternative methods to load homebrew, like over a hard drive, or via RetroNAS.
Also, if you’d like to learn more about the MemCard Pro 2, please check out this other video Tito did that walks you through everything you need: