
HyperBoy+ Virtual Boy 4-Color eInk Single-Flash Cart

Kevin Mellott has just opened a second batch of pre-orders on the HyperBoy+ = An updated version of the single-flash HyperBoy rom cart, that includes a 4-color, Black/White/Red/Yellow eInk screen.  The price is about $200 and they should start shipping to customers before summer.  More info below the link:

Pre-Order Here:

The ROM cart is the single flash version of Kevin’s HyperFlash32.  That’s currently out of stock, but all ROMs can be loaded on a MicroSD card and you select the game with the eInk screen and capacitive touch buttons.  This version is less expensive, but requires a PC app and a USB connection to load games.  Once the ROM is loaded, the image will persist on the eInk screen permanently, essentially turning it into the game you’ve loaded.

If you’d like a look at some of the other awesome homebew and accessories available in the Virtual Boy scene, check out a livestream I did with Kevin awhile back:

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