A fan-made patch released last Monday redubs Resident Evil into Spanish, likely representing the first non-English fan dub of a Saturn game.
It was headed up by Salvi Garrido, a professional voice actor who brought together a collection of talent to dub the survival horror classic on not only the Saturn but also the PlayStation. Patches for both platforms can be downloaded here. They use the XDelta patcher.
The new dub was announced by Traducciones del Tío Víctor, which means Uncle Víctor Translations. It’s a site with Spanish translation patches for a variety of consoles, including an in-progress one for Policenauts on Saturn. The site’s owner, IlDucci, said the dub has been in the works for at least a decade.
“In short, I have been preparing everything for Salvi Garrido, the main interested party in this project and an old acquaintance mine from other projects,” IlDucci said in Spanish and translated here in English. “The whole dubbing phase began back in May of this year, when Salvi decided to roll the blanket over his head, ending the recordings in just two or three weeks.”
The SegaXtreme resource page for the patch lists the following cast:
- Chris Redfield: José Meco
- Jill Valentine: Henar Hernández
- Barry Burton: Txemi del Olmo
- Rebecca Chambers: Gracia Comitre
- Albert Wesker: Gabriel Jiménez
- Richard Aiken: Ángel Luis Martínez
- Brad Vickers: Salvi Garrido
- Automated Voice: Ana Isabel Rodríguez
- Enrico Marini: Adolfo Pastor
- Joseph Frost: David Flores
“This work has been done purely for the love of art, but we want to share it with the community,” one of the project videos’ descriptions says, translated from Spanish.
The patches don’t just dub the game’s voiceovers but also change the text to Spanish, too. A patch for the text has existed since 2010 and the new dub patches build on that one.

The patches also use the original Japanese version’s full-motion videos, which are uncensored.
Resident Evil was first released in North America on PlayStation in April 1996 before being ported to PCs in September 1997 and the Saturn in October 1997. All versions, even the Japanese original, have English voice acting.