Krikzz’s new Everdrive GBA X5 Mini is now available to order. The price is $99 and it retains all functionality of the previous GBA X5, but is now the size of a stock GBA cartridge, no longer sticking out the back of the cart port like the previous edition.
The cart can be ordered here:
EverDrive GBA mini finally available for order. All functions equal to regular GBA X5 but now cart isn't stick out form the system.
— Igor Golubovskiy (@krikzz) May 21, 2020
Way better than Omega. With Omega total system consumption twice more than with EverDrive. Seems Omega consumpt more than whole console itself. They used large FPGA which is likely isn't power effective. Both carts been tested with same sd card and same game (Doom)
— Igor Golubovskiy (@krikzz) May 21, 2020