SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Interview: Retro-Bit Unveils Early Dreamcast Pad Prototypes

The SHIRO! team caught up with Rich and Andy from Retro-Bit at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, and we were focused primarily on covering the much anticipated Saturn Wireless Pro Controller. However, the Retro-Bit guys had another trick up their sleeves that caught us completely by surprise! It turns out they’ve been working on both […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

NEW! Saturn 3D Analog USB Adapter

Hardware developer & tinkerer Takusan (aka GEEKY Fab) just recently announced the release of a new USB-C adapter module for the Saturn’s 3D Analog Control Pad, aka the Sega “Multi Controller” or “marucon” (マルコン) in Japan. The primary aim of this device (according to its creator) is the use of the 3D control pad on […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Talking Games & DF Retro with John Linneman

SHIRO! sat down with John Linneman of Digital Foundry for the first of (hopefully many more) retro gaming conversations. We talk beginnings at Digital Foundry, the creation of his Retro Series, favorite consoles & games and several interesting graphics & performance idiosyncrasies of the 32-Bit consoles. While this chat didn’t get too far into the […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Recent Revelations Shed New Light on SEGA of America’s Fate

Just within the past week and half, a massive amount of new information regarding SEGA of America’s struggle during the Saturn era has come to light. Back on July 3, 2023 an Internet Archive contributor by the name GoldenDreamcast posted an enormous information dump consisting of 289 pages of previously classified internal documents from SEGA […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

SATURN BT – Bluetooth Adapter

We got our hands on this little pre-release prototype of Humble Bazooka‘s NEW ‘SATURN BT‘ wireless Bluetooth adapter, based on the awesome open source BlueRetro project by Jacques Gagnon (aka DarthCloud). We’ve put it through it’s paces to see how well it stacks up against the current options available. TL:DRThe Saturn BT Adapter is a […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

English Patch WIP: Shadows of the Tusk

Things sure do move FAST in the Saturn scene… It was just a couple days ago (May 2, 2023) that Team SHIRO!s Knight0fDragon began work on an English Translation Patch for Shadows of the Tusk, and here we are on (May 5, 2023) with all options menus and battle dialogs fully translated. [cross-posted from SHIRO! […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

SAROO: A Saturn Flash Cart Re-emerges…

Something that’s been dormant for nearly a decade has just broken from the ice. A few days ago on February 13, 2023, tpunix started adding new commits to a Saturn flash cart project that was thought to be dead 8 years ago, and it surprised folks when it popped up in their notifications. SAROO is […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

GrechTech Retro Rosetta: A Multi-Player BlueRetro Adaptor

GrechTech has recently made available their new RetroRosetta, a modular Bluetooth receiver/controller adaptor designed for retro systems with a focus on robust multi-player support and an aim to avoid e-waste and tackle accessibility issues. The RetroRosetta supports a myriad of different game consoles and is made possible thanks to the amazing BlueRetro project by developer […]