Last night, SEGA sent a massive SHOCKWAVE across social media platforms with their ‘POWER SURGE: SEGA REVEAL TRAILER – TGA 2023’ live premier! Fans were absolutely buzzing about this megaton BOMB of an announcement: Several classic and beloved SEGA franchises are making a comeback via and handful of series reboots currently in development.
SEGA’s announcement trailer teases at least 5 NEW GAMES currently in development and all with BIG names and expectations attached… As the trailer opens, we witness several ‘Easter egg’ items in the room getting sucked into some sort of ‘light emitting wormhole’ (who knows..?). Each item cleverly hints at a different beloved SEGA game franchise…
Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi & Streets of Rage…


Retaining the classic cell shaded look, albeit at a much higher detail and resolution, akin to recent Zelda entries, we see the iconic protagonist, BEAT, performing ridiculous grinds, grabs and flips before cutting away to pirate radio DJ Professor K…

In a now, fully rotating isometric 3D world, we can see Axel Stone pounding the daylights out of Galsia in a flurry of flames and light as Eddie “Skate” Hunter glides over to lend a helping hand…

In a hand-drawn graphic styling similar to Okami, albeit 2D side scrolling, we see Joe Musashi riding his trusty dog (from Shadow Dancer) across a large plain with a gigantic looming figure in the distance. Then we see him jump & flip his way across platforms and dispatch bosses with shuriken and lightning strikes.

Here we open to a scene of dwarf Gilius Thunderhead, rolling for cover and then circling a group of enemies for a quick attack as Tyris Flare shoots flames at a horde of oncoming foes. We also briefly glimpse Gilius riding a notably much more speedy Chicken Leg…

Here we see Gina’s cab soaring over a jump and headed straight for a collision with… Axel??? Is this to be a multi-player battle royale type affaire? Whatever the case, we can see the action amped up to eleven with the addition of a hot-rodded police car and a crazy amount of on screen chaos!
SEGA also eluded to even MORE games in the works that may simply not yet be ready to show off…

Here is just a small taste of the current reactions out there, as long time SEGA fans were simple NOT PREPARED for such a monumental announcement…
All of these titles are currently in development, though we do not know at this point which development studios are handling each title. Huge expectations are sure to ride on each of these entries, and it’s very important that these titles are ‘fully baked’ before being ‘removed from the oven’…

SEGA is promising a ‘NEW ERA’ of games with ‘NEW ENERGY’ as they reveal their new slogan, ‘POWER THE NEXT LEVEL’, and that much is certainly apparent from the trailer we’ve witnessed. Though, several SEGA fans remain cautiously optimistic, as they are no strangers to disappointment here and there.

SHIRO! will, of course, continue to follow these developments with excitement and anticipation, keeping our readers and listeners informed regarding any new revelations. Stay tuned for more information as it comes down the pipe!

A massive Saturn fan since Christmas ’96, Dave is enthusiastic about growing the community and spreading Saturn love and knowledge to fans old and new. Co-founding the SEGA SATURN, SHIRO! podcast back in 2017 and creating the SHIRO! SHOW in 2020, he seeks to create interesting and engaging Saturn-related content for the community. Dave’s interests circle around game preservation, and he is a huge fan of game magazines and developer interviews.