
AES Neo SD Pro Back In Stock

Stone Age Gamer now has stock of the Neo SD Pro ROM cart.  This is the version for the Neo Geo AES home console, that also supports most Neo Geo CD .iso’s as well.  The price is $650 and they’ll ship right away.  More info after the links:

Purchase Here:

So, obviously these ROM carts are for original hardware enthusiasts and its important to have some perspective.  Sure, it’s really easy to say “You can buy a fully-loaded MiSTer for the same price, ths iz dum”…but what if you’re someone who’s already invested in a Neo Geo library, have a fully refurbished AES and just want to play some homebrew?  Buying this and also buying the ROM of many newly released Neo Geo games would definitely be cheaper than buying the carts and you still get to support the dev’s!  Heck, buying this is cheaper than just one of the rarest AES games, so if you’re someone with an almost-complete collection, the price isn’t that daunting.

But that’s what I love about the retro-scene these days:  There’s so many excellent choices!!!  I’d suggest looking around and seeing what’s best for your personal setup.  And if you’d like to know more about how these ROM carts work and how they compare to the alternatives, please check out the videos below:

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