Borti just posted a new firmware for his open-source, N64Advanced board:
According to Borti, the update includes some minor fixes, plus:
- Improved timing constraints (also for #N64RGB)
- New scanline method (considering neighbored lines instead of just previous or next one)
- Improved 480i de-interlacing
The N64Advanced is one of two video kits designed by Borti for the N64; This is the more advanced kit that supports resolutions up to 480p, as well as multiple video modes (RGB, RGsB, YPbPr, VGA). His other N64 board is a straightforward RGB mod, but includes some of the same extra features of the advanced, such as de-blur modes and 15-bit video. Check out Borti’s main github for all his open-source projects and for more N64 RGB info, check out the main page here:
#borti, #borti4938, #n64, #n64rgb