
Analogue Mega Sg Cartridge Adapters Now Available

As promised, Analogue has just put cartridge adapters for their Mega Sg up for sale.  Go to the main store page and scroll down to purchase.  They’re approximately $70 for a set of three including shipping:

The three adapters included are:

  • Game Gear cartridge adapter
  • MyCard adapter (Sega Card)
  • Mark III/SG1000 cartridge adapter

Please remember that your Mega Sg has already come with a standard SMS adapter, so that’s (obviously) not included in this pack.

It’s great to see Analogue follow up on their promise to release this and in my opinion, better late than never!  This is the same week they re-opened pre-orders on their DAC (Digital to Analog converter), so it’s a good time to be a fan of Kevtris!

I ordered the cartridge adapters and will give them a try when they arrive!

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