Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Eadmaster’s Princess Crown Translation Reaches Version 0.9

Eadmaster continues to make progress on his English fan translation patch for Saturn action RPG Princess Crown, updating it twice in the last month to fit more text on screen, translate signs and more. The latest version, 0.9, uploaded Feb. 16, can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub. The patch should be applied to the […]

TraynoCo (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Princess Crown is Now Playable in English on SEGA SATURN!

Since this article was published, it has come to our attention that the person who created the patch used old resources and did not communicate with the original translator or hacker. Read the response from the original translator, who said he did not sign off on this release. This is the big one, the English fan […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Saturn MiSTer Core Gets Mouse Support

The Saturn MiSTer core has seen a flurry of updates in the last week, partially thanks to an unexpected source — another developer. A developer named Rattboi did a lot of work to add mouse support, and the core’s creator, Sergiy Dvodnenko, aka SRG320, merged that work into the main unstable branch Wednesday. Earlier this […]