MultiSystem Setup Video
If you are planning on buying a MiSTerMultisystem or have an interest in changing your current setup, the MultisSystem team posted a setup guide and video showing how to assemble the MultiSystem bundle available on their shop for £149.99.
Multisystem 2
Neil from the cave posted a prototype of the MiSTer Multisystem 2 inside the 3D printed case they’ve designed. For the video connection, the PCB has a MegaDrive 2 style video/audio connector. The case also shows a slot for inserting Zaparoo NFC cards.
The MiSTer MultiSystem 2 is an all-in-one MiSTer FPGA board that also has the FPGA and ARM chips built-in. No need to purchase a separate DE10-Nano or one of it’s clones.
- Post :
- Development video :
Open Source Exidy 440 Core
Anton Gale has started work on an Exidy 440 FPGA core for the MiSTer FPGA. While there is already in an FPGA core out there for the system, it is believed to be closed source.
Victorious Nine
Jotego added a new game to the JTFLSTORY core. It’s the Japanese arcade baseball game Victorious Nine.
Jotego Service Releases
Jotego updated many older cores with the following fixes:
- Fixed corrupted graphics in Midnight Resistance.
- Fixed click/pop at the end of playback in Vigilante.
- Fixed Objects missing parts in The Simpsons.
- JTSHOUSE: fixed some artifacts present during the attract mode in Youkai Douchuuki.
- JTSHOUSE: fixed screen flip in Pro Tennis World Court.
- Fixed missing sounds of Super Hang-On on MiSTer and Pocket.
- Analog Pocket: fixed patreon credits found when backing out of Core Settings
- Fixed sound effects have a chance to interrupt music playback in Street Fighter.
- JTSF: fixed punch and kick buttons did not work in alternative Street Fighter sets.
- JTTWIN16: fixed sprite rollover.
- JTFSTORY: support for screen flip in Rumba Lumber.
- Game volume controllable via keyboard on all FPGA platforms
Post :
GameBoy Advance Core Cycle Accuracy
Robert Peip is working on rebuilding the Gameboy Advance core to be cycle accurate. On discord he posted an images of his test core passing all tests in a Game Boy Advance test suite. Robert believes that this new core will require a lot of testing to make it stable due to the significant amount of changes made.
The current core will still be useful because the increased accuracy will probably mean some extra features will be cut. Things like being able to play games with only DDR3 RAM, the 2 player core and possibly other features.
- Discord Post :
Arcade IREM M92 Cheats Coming
Martin Donlon added cheat support to arcade games. At the moment it’s not official, but you can download an unstable build of MAIN and the MRA’s that contain cheats for the Irem M92 core to test out the cheats function.
- M92 MRA”s with Cheats: :
- Unstable MiSTer: :
- Jotego Cheat updates:
- Jotego Cheat updates:
Cosmo Arcade Core
Core developer macro updated the arcade game Cosmo and added the starfield. This game runs on Space Invaders hardware. The starfield is optional, but you can enable it using the “Background Graphic” toggle in the core’s MiSTer Menu.
Zaploader by BedroomNinja is now available for purchase. This is an NFC reader that allows you to use physical cartridges to launch games on your MISTer FPGA. The cartridges must have NFC tags attached to them in order for this to work. The Zaploader gives you a slot for fitting PAL and Japanese SNES carts and a slot for inserting NFC cards.
You can also purchase an adapter pack that gives you slots for NES, Famicom, Game Boy, N64, Master system, Mega drive and Game gear carts.
- Post :
- Post 2 :
NY Captor Arcade Core Released
Jotego released a new arcade core. It’s the lightgun arcade game NY Captor. In this game you are a marksman who has to rescue hostages from terrorists.
MiSTer Organize
MiSTerOrganize is bringing another big update on March 7. MiSTer Organize is a project that will help you keep your games organized for browsing games on your MiSTer. It contains custom DAT files that instruct it on how to organize games.
- This new update brings the first Console CD games to the console database, starting with Sega CD.
- No-Intro games were also updated to current.
- No-Intro Private Aftermarket games updated to current.
- SMB Arena Hacks now total 150.
- Golden Axe Neo Geo added.
- There is also some exclusive content that includes
- No-Intro Private Aftermarket games.
- SNES MSU-1, complete set, which includes the latest revisions from Infidelity, Project Nested, and Rumbleminze.
- Also includes Game Boy and Game Boy Color MSU-1 for the Super Game Boy Core.
- Mega Drive MSU-MD, complete set
MiSTer Organize :
Saturn and Sega ST-V
The ST-V portions of the Saturn core are being moved to a standalone ST-V core. The reason being is that each system has resources that are exclusive to them. So Saturn specific resources won’t be implemented in the ST-V core and vice versa.
The ST-V portion of the Saturn core has not been officially released yet, so there is some manual setup to be done if you want to get it running. If you want to keep the ST-V test core up to date along with it’s MRA’s, then you can use Dave Wongillies update script on GitHub.
- Latest unstable builds of Saturn & ST-V :
- Dave Wongillies ST-V update script :
- srg320 support page:
- srg320 Twitter:
- srg320 Github:
Atari 800
User woj on the MISTerFPGA forum has added a lot of improvements to the Atari 800 core. Here are just a few.
- Re-loading of a new cart image no longer requires a complete core restart
- improved compatibility with the original hardware as there are more ACID tests are passing
- Proper Atari 800 mode with its memory configurations up to 52K of RAM
- Joystick now works when PORTA is in the out mode, some games / game loaders do it and without this the joystick was not working for them
- A dedicated XEX loader that uses DMA style very small memory footprint loader to load XEX files directly skipping drive mounting. The 700K+ modern demos load in under 10 seconds or faster, depending on the title.
- ATX disk timing fixed as a whole, now passing all the ATX tests
The core is still in testing so it must be downloaded manually.
Exidy Sorcerer Computer Core
Core developer JasonA released an unstable core for the Exidy Sorcerer computer. The Sorcerer is a home computer released in 1978 .
- Post :
- JasonA support page:
RCA Studio II Core
JasonA also released another core for the RCA Studio II Console. This is a very basic console system released in 1977 where the games resembled those of early Pong consoles.
- Post :
- JasonA support page:
VTech Laser 350/500/700 Computer Core
And we have another new computer core by JasonA. This one is for the Laser 350/500/700 line of computers powered by a Z80A compatible CPU.
LM80C Computer Core
JasonA also released a core for the LM80C Computer. This is a modern hombrew computer by Leonardo Miliani that runs on a Z80 processor.