
Hi-Def NES No-cut Top-loader adapter progress

Greg is almost finished with his 3D printed design that allows a Hi-Def NES kit to be installed into a top-loading NES without any cutting at all. It requires replacing the stock screws with, #4, 1″ to accommodate the new height and the end result looks close to factory-quality!  I love the addition of the LED in front and even small details like the even gap on both sides of the adapter make this look like something right out of Nintendo.  If fact, I’d be willing to bet that if you painted it to match, your average gamer might have to look twice before realizing it’s a mod!

Once complete, these will be available on Greg’s Thingverse page and possibly on his eBay store:



#nestoploader, #nocutmod, #collingall, #gregcollins, #thingverse, 


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