
GBA HD – Full Units & Kits Available

Consoles4U now has stock of an updated version of the awesome GBAHD:  A ZERO LAG device that consolizes a Game Boy Advance and allows GB, GBC and GBA games to be played in either 720p or 1080p.  This version allows chips from both the original GBA and SP to be used.  It includes an OSD, integrated bluetooth and SNES wired controller port.  Kits start at about $115 and require your own GBA (and your own modding), while completed units are about $380.  More details below the links:

Completed Units:
DIY Kits:

While I could gush all over the GBA HD, I think Tito from Macho Nacho Productions did a better job than I could!  The top video is an assembly guide, but also an overview of how it works…so just skip to the end if you’d like to see it in action.

Also, the video below that lag tests a bunch of different GBA consolizers and proves that this kit doesn’t add any latency over an original GBA experience.  That’s a really interesting video overall and I highly recommend both!

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