
All New Raspberry Pi PICO Based Mod Chip For The OG XBOX

A modder by the name of Shalx (I believe it’s pronounce Sha-Lax) recently created a new mod chip for the Original XBOX using a Raspberry Pi Pico called the ModXO (pronounce Mod-Show).  What’s great about this new mod chip is that it’s open-sourced and has a ton of potential thanks to the Pico’s hardware.  The hardware on all legacy mod chips are reaching end of life, and are getting more difficult and expensive to source.  The ModXO on the other hand, which uses the RP2040, is widely available and inexpensive.

At it’s core, the ModXO, functions like any other mod chip and is capable of loading a single custom bios.  However, Shalx has recently joined forces with Team Resurgent to develop more capabilities for the ModXO.

In addition to loading a custom bios to the ModXO, it is also capable of hosting it’s own Operating System as well.  For example, one could load XBlastOS.  But it seems that Team Resurgent is hard at work porting over PrometheOS to the ModXO which will give it significantly more capability.

As of right now we are in the early stages of development, but I think we will see a lot a cool things come to the ModXO in the near future!

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