
A New Touchscreen OLED Screen Mod For The Game Boy Color

The folks over at HiSpeedIDo (pronounced High-Speed-I-Do) have just released their latest screen mod for the Game Boy Color. This is a significant technological leap from their previous Q5 IPS mod and is currently the only OLED screen mod available. That’s right, you read that correctly—this is an OLED mod for the Game Boy Color! The panel used for this kit comes from a BlackBerry Q10, a smartphone released back in 2013.

There’s a lot to like about this new entry into the wide world of Game Boy screen mods. First, it’s just as easy to install as the previous Q5 kits if you use the IPS-ready shells from FunnyPlaying or the shells that HiSpeedIDo offers. The only soldering required is for a single wire that provides power to the OLED panel.

Additionally, from the first time you turn on the Game Boy Color with the OLED display, you immediately notice the difference. The blacks are deep and inky, and the colors pop and are extremely vibrant! Now, I am by no means saying that you need to rush out and upgrade your Game Boy Color screen, especially if you already have a Q5 IPS kit, as those are also quite good. But if you want the latest tech in your handheld, then you might want to give this kit a look.

On top of the fantastic colors, it also utilizes touch screen functionality to operate the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu system. By touching the screen for about 5 seconds, you open the menu where you can change settings such as brightness, scan-lines/pixel effects, the color of the Game Boy Color logo (the kit also features an illuminated logo), and more. It’s a great implementation since you no longer need to memorize button combinations or use finicky touch sensors to change settings.

Overall, I think it’s a huge leap in quality for screen modding the Game Boy Color and feel that it sets a new standard for these types of mods, dethroning the Q5 IPS kit.

If you want to pick one of these up for yourself, check out the links below (Save 10% with coupon code: TITO):

  • HiSpeedIDo OLED Screen Mod (Affiliate Link):  Purchase Here
  • Pre-Trimmed Shell for OLED Screen (Affiliate Link):  Purchase Here
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