
QMTech DE10 Nano Alternative Compatible with the MiSTer FPGA

The MiSTer FPGA project is one of the best ways to experience retrogaming. It is powered by the DE10 Nano from Terasic, but can be extended with accessories that can add CRT output, connect original console controllers and more. The price of the DE10-Nano has been steadily increasing. When I first bought it back in 2019 it cost me $140. Currently the board will set you back $225.

Now there is an affordable alternative that is compatible with the MiSTer FPGA project. It is a board from QMTech and it cost’s $99.

So far I found this board to be 100% software compatible with the MiSTer FPGA. Everything I threw at it worked. Even the TapTo project, which lets you launch games using NFC tags, worked flawlessly.

However, there are hardware compatibility issues and serious build quality issues that you should be aware of. Of importance is the RAM orientation. One of the GPIO ports needs to have the RAM inserted in the opposite orientation of a DE10 Nano. Some people have fried thier RAM inserting it in the wrong orientation. If you want to see if this board is for you I go over the good and bad the above video.

Related Links

Videos of RAM getting Fried due to orientation:

Other DE10 Nano Alternative Boards

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