
Full List of SA-1 Enhanced ROM Hacks, Translations, Demos, Tools, etc.

I’ve been compiling a list of every SNES homebrew & hacked ROM that utilizes the SA-1 chip. This includes hacks, translations, demos, tools, etc. Please let me know if anything is missing, or if there are new versions of any ROMs in the list:

When the list is complete, I will add the file hashes to the open-source EverDrive Packs Lists Github Database and update the SNES Pack List to v6.1. I would eventually like to move the list to 2.0 Wiki for community contributions, because the list is going to explode now that the SD2SNES Core is public and Vitor Vilela’s tools for SA-1 hacking are becoming widely used by the SNES/SMWC romhacking community.



#redguy, #sa-1, #sd2snes, #specialchip, #supernintendo, #superfamicom