Rany Battikh

Playstation 1 In-Game reset mod

Will Gentry from Will’s Console Modifications is now selling a board that adds in-game reset functionality to the original Playstation.

Based on the open-source project started by pyroesp in 2019, Will’s board provides the ability to reset the system itself or the launched game through different button combinations. But unlike the original design, which involves soldering a bunch of wires to the PS1’s motherboard, Will’s simple pcb lays right on top of the controller port pins and gets soldered into place. Just one conductor wire is still required to be soldered directly to the reset point on the console’s motherboard. (Note that the placement of reset point differs from one board revision to another).

The in-game reset board especially comes in handy when used in conjunction with PS1 Optical Drive Emulators (ODE) like the X-Station or PSIO. Instead of completely resetting the system via the physical reset button, the user gets to reset and access the ODE’s menu (in a similar fashion to Krikzz and Terraonion products) through the following button combinations:

  • Pressing L2 + R2 + SELECT + CROSS gives a long reset pulse.
    (Reset the system and return to game list)
  • Pressing L2 + R2 + SELECT + START gives a short reset pulse.
    (Reset the current game being played)

The board retains its main features on stock systems running disc-based games as well.

The in-game reset board is now available for purchase through Will’s Console Modifications shop and is priced at ~$18. In my opinion, this should serve as a nice little addition to owners of the PS1Digital + X-Station + MemCard Pro combo.


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